Build a career in Furniture Designing through premium training program accompanied by global certificate. Applied case studies and Industrial curriculum help you to be ahead of others from the very first step.
Being an IT company, we know exact profile specifications and technical requirements for Furniture Designing developers. We have drafted the most advanced industry oriented curriculum for Furniture Designing. That’s why NSPL Furniture Designing Training in Amritsar is ranked best among professionals in international arena.
Furniture Designing Training will be delivered by NSPL senior Furniture Designing developers who have experience of more than 10 years on international and domestic Furniture Designing projects. Their vast experience and mentoring at our Furniture Designing Training Centre in Amritsar help you learn Furniture Designing from scratch to most advanced APP Building Topics.
Learn in conventional classroom environment with face-to-face instructions and interactivity with faculty. You'll get advantage from a proven curriculum and collaboration between others in the class.
Get live, interactive training from the convenience of your office or home with live online training. Online training highlights all the same benefits of live faculty interaction with convenience.
Industry Oriented Most Advanced Curriculum
Exclusive Updated Digital Study Material
Individual Attention with Small Batch Size
Modern Projector Based Training Classrooms
Video Recording of Every Training Session
Real Clients Based Applied Case Studies
Well Equipped Labs with Wi-Fi Connectivity
Practice Assignments to Improve Learning
International Points Based Grading System
Furniture Designing Basics
Furniture Designing Fundamentals
Measurement Units
Theory of Structures
Design Methodology
Environmental Studies
Cultural Aspects
Colors Studies
Object Planning
Computer Applications
Safety Measurements
Computer Aided Designing
Computer Aided Designing Fundamentals
Drawing and Editing Commands
Properties of Object
Learning Drafting Settings
Coordinates Snapping
Drawing Precision
Organizing Drawing with Layers
Managing Blocks & References
3D Furniture Planning
2D Image Editing Fundamentals
Working with Layers
Image Selection Tools
Image Resizing & Cropping
Image Adjustments
Color Correction Tools
Photo Retouching Tools
Vector Graphics Tools
Painting Tools
Filter Effects
3D Furniture Modeling
3D Modeling Fundamentals
Interface and Layout
Compound Objects
Poly Modeling
Symmetry Mirror Modeling
Diffuse and Bump Mapping
Material Library
Omni, Spot, Direct Lights
Ambient & Sun Lights
Particle Systems
3D Walkthrough
3D Animation Fundamentals
Dome & Physical Camera
Free and Target Camera
Camera Animation
Camera Settings
Day Light Rendering
Night Rendering
HDRI Rendering
Video Editing
Real Life Applied Case Study
Capstone Project Fundamentals
Requirement Analysis
Importing Plan
Walk Through
Video Editing
Placement Preparation Process
Placement Process Fundamentals
Job Profile Structure
Group Discussions
Individual CV Preparation
LinkedIn Job Profile
Employment Skills Training
Body Language Training
Technical Interview Questionnaires
HR Interview Questionnaires
Mockup Interviews
"Creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge and knowledge make you professional. That makes NSPL RTC to include Osborne-Parnes creativity model in learning"
6 Months Duration
2 hours daily
5 days in week
(Monday to Friday)
3 Months Duration
4 hours daily
5 days in week
(Monday to Friday)
For Indian Students
INR 1,15000 1,60000
Limited time offer
Fee is inclusive of all applicable taxes and include examination and certification fee. No hidden charges of any type.
For International Students
US 1450 2000
Limited time offer
Fee is inclusive of all applicable taxes and include examination and certification fee. No hidden charges of any type.
Trainee Software Testing
People working NSPL are very helpful towards their students. They dedicate their time to teach and develop software development skills. Whether its software development or software testing they provide equal importance and emphasize on building career development goals for their students.
Trainee Software Testing
I m pursuing Software Testing at NSPL RTC. NSPL is one of the best Training Center of the Amritsar for giving Professional training that is very effective for professional life. If you want to study seriously then, this is the right place. No one is fresher after completing their study in NSPL RTC.
Take a live online training session and experience true master class of industry’s best professional trainers.
IT training doesn’t mean only to learn commands of a language, as it is also available in books and online tutorials. Professional IT training means get to know how to make corporate level projects by using these commands and these can only be taught by working professionals who have in depth experience on such projects.
To become top IT Professional, you don’t need only a faculty with 5+ years of training experience, you need top-notch MNC working professionals with vast experience on corporate projects who are passionate to share knowledge as faculty.
All NSPL RTC faculty members are currently working professionals with IT companies on top profiles and teaching is their passion.
All Faculty members have minimum 8+ Years of experience on Class-A domestic and international projects.
All Faculty members are industry-experts and subject specialists with multiple technologies.
Faculty at NSPL RTC also acts as mentor and counseled students to advance their educational and personal growth.
Students will get life time access to faculty for guidance and solutions making Faculty-Student relation enduring at NSPL RTC.
Our all Training Programs are equipped with ISO 9001:2015 Certification which is recognized in 162 countries for higher studies and jobs.
Our Training Quality Standards are accredited by
United Accreditation Foundation
3510, Colmar, Norfolk, VA 23509
Our Online Certificate Verification System helps the employers or academic institutions to speedily verify our student’s certificates online.
"To be on top, it’s better to learn with a few lions than a hundred sheep. Have advantage to learn with best graduates around the world."
NSPL RTC has well designed Placement Preparation Process to ensure the placement of our student in top companies. It is crucial for student’s career and through this students become aware about placement criteria and procedures.
"Opportunities don’t happen, you create them. More than 70% of employers do online screening to recruit. NSPL RTC’s Collaborative Sharing program makes your profile stand out from the crowd"
Trainee Software Test Engineer
Since, the beginning I have been building keen interest in learning various kinds of software programs especially if it’s a mobile application. This interest has allowed me extend my knowledge towards software analysis...
Read MoreTrainee Software Test Engineer
I am extremely quick to gain some new useful knowledge. From my school days I am exceptionally dedicated and extraordinary enthusiasm in studies. Additionally i have colleague abilities as I have worked under...
Read MoreTrainee Software Test Engineer
A person who is passionate to learn and believer in continuous learning and development ‘ can define me in one phrase. I was a good student in my school and college but I realized soon that what we learn in formal education...
Read MoreNSPL RTC student services department aims to offer a number of support services to them throughout their time at NSPL RTC & meet the challenges of moving to a country.
Amritsar is characterized as being very progressive, diverse and multicultural city. The Education Institutions here provide ultimate progression to learn in a peaceful place.
"Getting the most out of life is not about how much you keep yourself , but how much you pour into others is the heart of mentoring. If your mentors only tell you that you are awesome, it's time to find other mentors"
Yes, Professional training in Furniture Designing covers everything to be a Furniture Developer. Furniture Designing includes advance training along with Applied case studies. This provides sufficient knowledge to be a Furniture Developer.
Project is of two types Dummy Project and a Live Project. Live Project means when you work for a Client and you have to modify the project as per his requirements which makes you a work ready professional. The Dummy Project that you are talking about is any project created by you without any client requirements and is being made at your comfort zone. Both the project can be uploaded on domains but when you go for an interview live project is much more valuable than a Dummy Project.
Professional training program is divided equivalently between Training and a Project. This includes core technical training to inculcate the technical concepts in the candidate to the depth. Then student have to work on live project.
NSPL-RTC has dedicated Student body, which provides range of student services to make the stay of students comfortable during training. You can check these services under student services section at
No. NSPL is not an institute, so it cannot have branches. As this is the only Research and Training Development Center PAN India so Professional training in Furniture Designing is undertaken only in our NSPL branch Amritsar, Punjab, India.
Both these are added in Professional training in Furniture Designing. So, no separate registration or fee is required for that.
NSPL-RTC has incorporated placement preparation training in each training curriculum. So, after the successful completion of the training, candidate will be well equipped with the technical knowledge, corporate ethics and interview techniques. NSPL also has a dedicated placement cell providing placement assistance for off-campus placements.
NSPL RTC Host hundreds of students every year all across the globe. We have various payment methods.
NSPL has published complete details about visa on its website. Please check
Amritsar is holy city of Punjab and is quiet safe. NSPL RTC hosts lot of foreign students every year from all over the world.
NSPL Complex, 288, Tilak Nagar,
Amritsar - 143001, Punjab (India)
(Available Between 9:00 AM To 6:00 PM IST)